Cardiac Rehabilitation Week

Cardiac Rehabilitation Week (February 11 – 17), initiated by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR), coincides with both Valentine’s Day and American Heart Month in an effort to draw greater national attention to heart health. This year’s theme, “Making Positive Changes, One Beat at a Time,” honors the patients, families, and healthcare professionals who are dedicated to cardiac rehabilitation as a vehicle for a healthy lifestyle.

Although cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US, there are millions of people who live with heart disease. For people who are diagnosed with heart disease, life can change in an instant. Cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) is a program that provides people with health education and exercise training that can improve their quality of life and reduce their risk of future health problems. It includes supervised, monitored exercise to improve cardiovascular fitness as well as education about heart disease and ways to improve lifestyle while reducing risk factors. Locally, cardiac rehab is offered at Decatur County Memorial Hospital (DCMH) in Greensburg, Indiana.

Cardiac rehab is a medically supervised program that is available for those with heart problems such as: angina (chest pain), heart attack, heart catheterization with either stents or angioplasty, open heart surgery for bypass or valve replacement, or heart transplant. There are many benefits of cardiac rehab: supervised exercise training to increase tolerance and overall health, identifying risk factors for heart disease, and getting help with making changes to develop a heart-healthy lifestyle. The goal for everyone is to improve the quality of life for people with heart disease and reduce their risks of future problems. The social aspect of group exercise classes helps clients foster friendships that encourage them to get better, feel better, and make positive health changes.

For questions or additional information, call the DCMH Cardiac Rehabilitation Staff at: 812-663-1328 or visit